Energy-Saving Tips
With so many individual households experiencing the cost savings and reduced carbon footprint of energy efficiency, you might have wondered if HOAs, condo associations, and other communities can also find benefits by saving energy. The short answer: yes, they can!
Prioritizing energy-efficiency not only lets current and future residents know that you are forward-thinking and proactive, it can also save the community money. Sounds great, right? You can get started with these simple suggestions:
- LED lighting: Switching to energy-efficient LED bulbs in common areas such as hallways, parking lots, and club houses, for example can reduce electricity consumption since LED lights not only use less energy but also have longer lifespans, reducing the need for maintenance.
- Energy-efficient appliances: Encouraging residents to use energy-efficient appliances (think refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines with ENERGY STAR ratings) in their homes can lead to lower utility bills.
- Programmable thermostats and motion sensors: Installing programmable thermostats in community facilities helps avoid unnecessary energy usage by adjusting temperatures based on usage patterns. Another tip: installing motion-activated sensors or a timer for lights to make sure you aren’t burning unneeded electricity (and money) when no one is using the space.
Providing tips on energy-efficient habits and informing residents about other energy-saving practices can foster a culture of energy conservation within the community. When the Board is ready to make energy efficiency a priority, they might want to include the purchase of energy-efficient upgrades and the cost of an energy usage study to their annual budget. It’s an investment likely to pay off with lower utility bills and higher property values.